Pada tanggal 21 Maret 2024, Center for Sustainability and Waste Management Universitas Indonesia (CSWM UI), sebuah unit khusus di bawah Universitas Indonesia, mengadakan pertemuan dengan Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB). Pertemuan tersebut berfokus pada ekonomi sirkular, khususnya dalam sektor plastik. PTB, yang diakui sebagai Institut Metrologi Jerman dan badan resmi dari Kerjasama Pembangunan Jerman, telah terlibat dalam dua proyek di Indonesia, yang menargetkan fotovoltaik dan pemantauan lingkungan serta iklim. Mereka bertujuan untuk terjun ke dalam ranah ekonomi sirkular, berfokus pada sektor plastik. Kolaborasi antara CSWM UI dan PTB akan memetakan isu ekonomi sirkular di Indonesia, mulai dari pembuatan plastik hingga daur ulang.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Chalid, S.Si, M.Sc. Eng., the head of CSWM UI, highlighted the issue "With the current implementation of the circular economy not aligning with its intended concept—where waste isn't recycled back into the same item but becomes a secondary product of lower recycling value—there is shared concern, including from PTB, about the current waste management issues." Jana Körner, PTB Project Coordinator, expressed a desire to understand the latest knowledge, trends, and initiatives regarding plastics in Indonesia, specifically related to research and innovation with CSWM UI. The anticipated outcome is collaborative activities focusing on plastic redesign or recycling.
In the discussion, Prof. Chalid emphasized the importance of educating the public on waste sorting and disposal, as well as connecting collectors to recyclers, identifying these as potential collaborative projects. Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah, Dean of FTUI, expressed his satisfaction with the meeting, seeing it as an opportunity for knowledge exchange and idea development between the two parties in plastic redesign or recycling, benefiting FTUI and the wider community. The meeting saw participation from CSWM UI delegates including Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Chalid, Yuli Amalia Husnil, and Adream Bais Junior, along with PTB delegates Jana Körner, Clemens Sanetra, and Sandra Imelda, representing a firm commitment to addressing plastic waste management and promoting a sustainable circular economy.
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