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Educating Early Youth to Promote Circular Economy with CSWM UI
September 8, 2023
Daily Reads
Group photo session with high school students

Depok, 25 November 2023 – The Center for Sustainability and Waste Management Universitas Indonesia (CSWM UI), in partnership with GPTech SCUI, is excited to present a community service workshop entitled “Plastic Recycling Technology to Support the Circular Economy and Sustainable Living.”

Aimed at enhancing the consciousness of high school students in Depok regarding the principles of sustainable living and the circular economy, this workshop will serve as a platform to introduce ground-breaking plastic recycling technologies. The initiative is designed to engage students from various schools, fostering a widespread positive environmental impact and instilling values of sustainability to secure a lasting environment for generations to come.

Although plastic waste is often seen as a cause of environmental problems, plastic is actually an efficient and environmentally friendly material in the production process, especially because it requires less energy compared to other materials, has a light weight which reduces energy consumption during transportation, and has the potential to to be recycled.

The main obstacle lies in post-use waste management, where plastic that is not managed properly becomes a source of pollution. However, this plastic waste actually has hidden value, because with the right recycling technology, plastic can be reprocessed into a valuable resource.

The workshop will feature insights from distinguished experts including Adam Febriyanto Nugraha, S.T., Ph.D., a renowned lecturer in Material Engineering at Universitas Indonesia, who will delve into plastic waste management and its integral role in the circular economy. Hadiyan Fariz Azhar, the innovative Founder & CEO of Kibumi.id, will discuss the critical importance of plastic recycling in promoting sustainable living.

“This understanding is important, especially for the younger generation, because they are the key to creating positive behavioral changes in protecting the environment. “Through education and awareness about recycling technology, we can change the view of plastic from being a problem to being part of the environmental solution,” said Adam.

The event schedule includes an invigorating talk show, a hands-on workshop with demonstrations of the plastic manufacturing process, an exhibition of engineering students’ projects from UI, and detailed tours of the Faculty of Engineering’s departments. Participants will be immersed in a rotational learning experience through six interactive stations, each offering a deep dive into various aspects of engineering and sustainability.

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