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Social Mapping in Action: Discovering Desa Jaya Makmur Potential
June 27, 2024
Press Release
Transect Walk as one of the steps of Social mapping

CSWM UI conducted a visit to Desa Jaya Makmur as a means to hold a community development initiative through condition and potential mapping that can be elevated through innovation and community collective efforts. The data collection phase was conducted by doing a transect walk between CSWM UI team and the some stakeholders that include the village government, representative of community groups, and a government program facilitators.

Through this visit, we were able to map some of the potential of Desa Jaya Makmur that can be more implied into the program development. Based on the observations conducted, Jaya Makmur Village possesses significant potential in the realm of food security, particularly in rice production, as evidenced by the extensive presence of farmland and rice paddies within the village’s vicinity.

Though it serves as a distinct potential for the development of Desa Jaya Makmur, They still faced some challenges in maintaining the quality of farmland from pests in particular. Through this observation, it also opened up new opportunities for CSWM UI to be able to contribute to the village’s advancement through collective efforts.

The findings and potential identified during this visit serve as a strong foundation for future collaboration. CSWM UI is optimistic that with a spirit of collaboration and shared commitment, Desa Jaya Makmur can achieve sustainable food security and unlock new opportunities for the village’s advancement.

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