Jakata, August 25 – The Center for Sustainability and Waste Management at the University of Indonesia (CSWM UI) proudly announces its participation in the Aliansi Ekonomi Sirkular Indonesia (AESI), aimed at coordinating all parties involved in the circular economy to create a more supportive circular economic environment in line with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The formation event of AESI marks a historic milestone, initiated by Asosiasi Daur Ulang Plastik Indonesia (ADUPI) and attended by representatives from various organizations, including the Asosiasi Bank Sampah Indonesia (ASOBSI), Indonesian Plastics Recyclers (IPR), Ikatan Pemulung Indonesia (IPI), Asosiasi Pengusaha Sampah Indonesia (APSI), Asosiasi Pelapak dan Pemulung Indonesia (APPI), The Indonesian Olefin, Aromatic & Plastic Industry (INAPLAS), Perkumpulan Pengelola Sampah dan Bank Sampah Nusantara (Perbanusa), Paguyuban Industri Plastik Jateng, Indonesia Packaging Recovery Organisation (IPRO), Indonesian Packaging Federation (IPF), Gabungan Produsen Makanan dan Minuman Indonesia (GAPMMI), Asosiasi Produsen Air Minum Kemasan Nasional (ASPARMINAS), and Asosiasi Industri Minuman Ringan (ASRIM).
AESI aims to serve as a strong collaborative platform for all stakeholders involved in the circular economy in Indonesia. AESI will focus on integrating various circular economy stakeholders and aligning their efforts to provide input and recommendations to stakeholders.
The role of CSWM UI in AESI is to research, explore and analyze using credible data and appropriate research to provide various multidisciplinary perspectives related to various policies related to the circular economy. As one of the leading educational and research institutions in Indonesia, CSWM UI will support the transformation towards a more sustainable and environmentally circular economy.
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